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Fler - Minutentakt
Die Bullen kommen in Minutentakt Was solls, ich geh in Untersuchungshaft Was solls, und alles scheint so einfach doch ich komm hier nich raus, du denkst das ich es hier leicht hab, aber du kennst dich hier nicht aus Die Bullen kommen in Minutentakt.
In dieser nacht ist es verdächtig still, ich versuch mich zu beruhigen und setz mich hin ich hab den 6. Sinn für sowas man mich fickt der druck, ich geh jetzt doch lieber nach draußen an die frische Luft ich laufe durch mein Block, verkaufe mein stoff, draußen auf der Straße gibt es haufenweise Cops ich muss raus aus meinen Loch gefangen in der nacht, die gedanken an den knast gehen nicht aus meinen kopf ich muss endlich ans licht, ich seh wie meine kleine heile welt in meinen Händen zerbricht doch kein ende im sicht, ich bleibe bis ich ende, denn ich kenne meine Pflicht, sie kennen mein gesicht spühr die wut die ich raus lass, in einer welt in der du schnell verloren gehst wenn du nicht gut auf dich auspasst. Die Jugend ist grauensam, nur weil man ihre Zukunft verbaut hat.
Die Bullen kommen in Minutentakt Was solls, ich geh in Untersuchungshaft Was solls, und alles scheint so einfach doch ich komm hier nich raus, du denkst das ich es hier leicht hab, aber du kennst dich hier nicht aus Die Bullen kommen in Minutentakt.
Die Bullen kommen in Minutentakt 4x
In dieser nacht ist es verdächtig still, ich geh weiter und beende meinen letzten Willen wer weiß wann ich rein muss oder nach draußen darf, ich war schon einpaar mal kruz drin und es war grausam da und trotzdem ich höre ich mit dem träumen nicht auf, ich muss weg von hier, ich halts in engen Räumen nicht aus meine freunde im Bau, schreiben briefe hinter schloss und riegel, manche kommen bald raus und sie freuen sich drauf wer den den Teufel vertraut hat seine Seele entbunden, am ende seiner Route führen alle wege nach unten. Ich bete im Dunkeln, das kerzenlicht erhellt den Dunklen raum, für alle meine jungs, keiner hält sie unten aus ich zähle die stunden rauf, zähle die stunden runter, bis der Tag vergangen ist mach ich aus 10 euro , 100 ich habe keine zeit um einzuschlafen, ich sitze auf meine Dach und zähl die Streifenwagen.
Die Bullen kommen in Minutentakt Was solls, ich geh in Untersuchungshaft Was solls, und alles scheint so einfach doch ich komm hier nich raus, du denkst das ich es hier leicht hab, aber du kennst dich hier nicht aus Die Bullen kommen in Minutentakt.
Fler - Air max
Ich Trag Meine Air-Max, und ich geh den harten weg, Ich Trag Meine Air-Max, bin der,der auf der straße steht,mit den Air-Maxxx auf Beton, es ist schwer hier rauszukommen
Ich geh den harten weg, warte bis der tag vergeht, ich hab meine airmax an, wenn ich auf der straße steh, jeder macht sein ding, ich reise rum und trete auf, wir sind alle gleich, wir suchen alle einen weg hier raus, auch wenn mein lebenslauf nicht reicht für einen großen job, ich wuchs in dieser gegend auf und weiß wie man an kohle kommt, an manchen tagen läuft es schief und ich lass alles liegen, das leben ist kein paradies, malediven,wir laufen auf beton, airmax - weißrausgekommen,das beste daran ist ich hab mich selber aufgenommen, ich hab mich selber rausgebracht, und lande in den charts, ihr habt nie an mich geglaubt kuckt mich an ich bin ein star, ich zahl die karre die ich fahr in bar, du handelst dich von tag zu tag, auf deinem konto warn schon lange keine schwarzen zahlen, ich hab die qual der wahl, airmax in allen farben, die passen perfekt zu allen narben.
Ich Trag Meine Air-Max, und ich geh den harten weg, Ich Trag Meine Air-Max, bin der,der auf der straße steht,mit den Air-Maxxx auf Beton, es ist schwer hier rauszukommen, Ich Trag meine Airmax und ich geh den harten weg.
denn manche leute sind geboren für den harten weg, ich trag meine airmax von morgens bis abends, nehm sie nur ab vorm schlafen gehn, wenn ich am abend durch die straßen geh, seh ich alte tags und weine schwarze tränen, auch wenn die jahre jetzt vergehn ich hab dich nicht vergessen, du sollst wissen MAXIM, heute gehts mir bisschen besser, sie ist vorbei die zeit in der ich nicht zufrieden war, ich hab ein schönes haus, ich hab mein siebener, und meine schuhe glänzen fast wie meine felgen, ich kenn deutsche und kanacken kenn den hass auf beiden welten, kenn das brot das sie backen, kenn das wasser das sie trinken, ich hab lang gesucht unterschiede lassen sich nicht finden doch es wird, nicht geredet denn die meisten lässt das thema kühl, und wir sind wieder auf der straße, deja vú, in meinen augen könnten airmax kontraster sein, die passen perfekt zum pflasterstein.
Ich Trag Meine Air-Max, und ich geh den harten weg, Ich Trag Meine Air-Max, bin der,der auf der straße steht, mit den Air-Maxxx auf Beton, es ist schwer hier rauszukommen, Ich Trag meine Airmax und ich geh den harten weg.
Sido und Bushido - Kopf Kaputt
Sido: nichts zu essen, leerer Magen kein Geld, ich bin arm kein Platz, kalte Welt tausend umgekehrte fragen kopf kaputt pausenlos Wangen nass, Augen rot Job weg, Frau weg meine Zukunft aussichtslos voll am Ende, sieh mal her miese Schulden, Riesenberg nur ein Knopf in meiner Tasche wo krieg ich die Miete her Wohnung weg, Welt zerbricht ich geh bald ins helle licht ich geb auf, geh mit den rauchen denn auch Tabletten helfen nicht Haare raufen, voll gefickt dass es so kommt, wollt ich nicht ich brauch ’nen Plan doch ich bettel nicht bevor mein Stolz zerbricht hilflos helf mir ich muss raus wann kommt Gott ausgesorgt oder tot ich seh rot krank im Kopf ihr seid schuld ja genau - jetzt guckt zu - ich platze ich geh und hol mir all das was ich bisher nicht hatte ich mach das keine Gnade los gib mir ’nen Grund - Spast scheiß auf euch geht in Deckung ich geh los und mach!
Refrain:.......aha........und.......aha........ und nochmal komm.....aha....und.....aha.....
Bushido: Maske auf, knarre raus, lad sie nach, atme aus, Schnellstraße Kopfschmerzen raus, ich umfahr den Stau, park genau zwei Straßen weiter ein Gartenzaun führt direkt zum Seiteneingang der Bank haargenau zähl bis drei schau nach links schau nach rechts schwarz vermummt steig ich jetzt aus dem Benz Nummernschild geklaut vom Van, ich stürme rein du da vorne Hände hoch, sie am Schalter Hände hoch, ich hoff das sich’s am Ende lohnt, Banktresor, Tasche auf, Geld rein, keine Bullen ihre großen Augen schreien ganz laut 110, Angstschweiß, ganz bleich, macht sie mich zum Millionär grüne scheine gelbe oder lila ich will noch mehr in Gedanken schon in der 20 Uhr maschine doch meine gier sorgt dafür das ich mir die Tour vermiese ich seh draußen 10 Mannschaftswagen ihr werdet mich höchstens Tod aus der Bank raus tragen!
Добавлено (30.12.2011, 17:50) --------------------------------------------- Kery James - Le retour du rap francais
Pose le, Pose le, Pose le, Pose le, Pose le Pose le micro, mon rap vient de mes entrailles Mon rap porte une balafre, mon rap vient de mes entailles Mon rap a une stature, une carrure, un charisme, une voix Une pensee, il est Francais, pas Kainry Mon rap vient des caves khey, demi lune zoo khey Orly hood negro, pas Hollywood Mon rap a quelque chose de trop vrai Qui transcende les re-fre, les inspire au progres Mon rap, c'est du rap de pauvre, rap "tfou", sur vos goves, et vos loves Y a que la foi qui te sauve, le jour dernier Mon rap a une croyance, j'rappe, je je rappe les yeux ferme Mais mon rap a une clairvoyance Mon rap a ses defauts, mais il marche vers la lumiere La verite reste, tant qu'on reste, il n'est qu'ephemere 20 ans que mon rap dure, dur, brise les murs Fracture les portes et les femurs Mon R.A.P, la tete haute, le torse bombe La poitrine gonfle de courage pret a tombe, succombe Au service des notres, car c'est le rap des sacrifices Le tirailleur au front, face aux rap des artifices C'est le rap des vrais hommes, des guerries valeureux Qui aimerait prendre a l'etat, et redistribue aux malheureux C'est le rap de l'engagement, la fierte des banlieues Et en faite, c'est le seul rap, qu'ils craignent surement en haut lieu Y a plus de thune en France, depuis l'Euro, on ne fait que survivre T'etonne pas si l'atmoshpere est explosive Les nouveaux riches se font rares, comme les especes Normal, le Fisc a piege l'ascenseur social Tout le monde triche, pas pour gagne, mais pour existe Tout le monde empreinte, personne n'achete Presque tout le monde est endette Les etudiantes se prostituent, tout le monde a faim Sort tes thunes des banques, planque les sous le lit, c'est la fin Nos ptits freres vendent de la daube, tape de la coke, sont violent Insolent, persuade qu'on ne peut devenir riche, qu'en volant Les Noirs et les Arabes remplissent les prisons J'fais du rap qui leurs proposent un autre horizon J'ai mes raisons et j'ai raison J'suis en direct de la rue, c'est le retour du rap realiste Ici y a pas de place pour ton rap capitaliste, "capi" "capi" capitaliste Egoiste et narcissique, toi et toujours toi, dans ton rap individualiste
Pop pop, c'est le retour du Rap Francais, pop pop pop C'est le retour du re-noi fonce, dur, ferme, franc, fiere, fort "Hardcore", "Jusqu'a la mort" Pop pop, c'est le retour du Rap Francais, pop pop pop C'est le retour du re-noi fonce, dur, ferme, franc, fiere, fort "Hardcore", "Jusqu'a la mort" Pop pop, c'est le retour du Rap Francais, pop pop pop C'est le retour du rap cense, dur, ferme, franc, fiere, fort "Hardcore", "Jusqu'a la mort"
Qu'ils posent le micro, leurs rap ne sait que frime De l'egotrip, c'est tout ce que leurs rap peut exprime C'est le bal masque, pourquoi leurs rap est costume Moi je fais du rap francais, et c'est le rap des opprimes Leurs rap a la grosse tete, tourne autour de lui meme Pendant ce temps j'ecris des textes, qui sortent mes freres du systeme Mon rap a une conscience, une chance et du bon sens C'est pourquoi il a tendance, a ne jamais suivre la tendance Ne me cherche pas dans le troupeau Mon rap est un leader, sans ?; ni vocodeur, avec pudeur et profondeur Mon raaaaap est guerrier avec une larme Mon raaaaap un pacifiste avec une arme Yeah, j'suis un resistant, j'ai de l'amour pour la Palestine, j'suis un militant J'ai encore beaucoup de choses a apprendre, j'suis qu'un etudiant Mais comme y a beaucoup d'ignorant, j'suis un enseignant Je n'ai pas le choix, comme dit Bene, j'porte une jeunesse sur mon dos Que quelqu'un prenne ma place, parce que lourd est le
This is Taliban rap, I’m a fucking bomber My head wrapped like somebody who suffered trauma Musically I’m the embodiment of Jeffrey Dahmer Usually in the environment of marijuana My straight right like Argüello was You a medigon, Vinnie do what a dego does You about to find out what the human tornado does You a bitch, you ain’t even half what you say you was My shit is hard body lord, I’m a fucking legend I don’t get my hands dirty, that’s for fucking henchmen I’m the equivalent of Russian Roulette, fucking tension And when you hear the ram’s horn it’s the fucking ending I’m a vampire, I love the setting of sun The night my time killing already begun I’m from the same place Anton Lavey is from I’m about to put the biscuit right to my head and be done
[Chorus: Demoz]
This Percodan got me feeling like a brick wall With that said I give a fuck about a withdrawal Fuck a quarterback, bullets get you picked off Critics get pissed on when I’m pissed off
This Percodan got me feeling like a brick wall With that said I give a fuck about a withdrawal Fuck a quarterback, bullets get you picked off Critics get pissed on when I’m pissed off
[Verse 2: Demoz]
1978 my mom had a date ’84 had me, had a hard time great Mom wasn’t weak, I guess my dad wasn’t fake But guessing only led to one thing, my mistakes That’s why I cut the grass real low, check for snakes Apply pressure when I need to satisfy my weight Selling coke and the diesel Fiends going crazy putting dope in their needles, it’s hopeless and evil You can smoke wet and get smoked with the Eagle All over nothing, fucking pride and your ego Spit all facts, I ain’t gotta mislead you Talk shit wherever you stand, that’s where I leave you Believe me, I can get you killed real easy Leave the scene but the ho won’t leave me Tackle the dresser, bitch try to tease me I put a hole in her head right where her weave be, believe me
[Verse 3: Ill Bill]
I’m the bomb attached to the chest of exploding martyrs, code of honours Shoot me out your M16, deliver souls beyond the world To conquer planets and enslave entire populations Colosseums where ? supply the operation Gladiators battle on the side of sovereign nations Fathers of confrontation, Lamas to pop your face in Blinded by lies and hatred, they conjure up abomination Armies march across the continents honouring Satan The final countdown, 2012 Jumping out the Black Hawk with the black Eagle by the money belt I take you from the edges of space to the projects From the pyramids to Giza to where God sits, we monstrous I’m conscious homie, I’m wide-awake I supply the hate, La Coka Nostra The skull and guns, I supply the weight How many bricks you want? Let me see your money first As a matter of fact I’m taking your money you fucking herb Fuck outta here, Billy Idol, La Coka Nostradamus
Добавлено (30.12.2011, 19:01) --------------------------------------------- "Non Phixion" - Black Helicopters
[Ill Bill] At the time of his life a capitalist with a communist wife Started to fight and did to cats what God did to Christ Hardly the type to give garbage advice He was larger than life He penetrated the roof of your car with a spike Trained by an insane ex marine CIA trained a renegade assassin android Passport pilot to black helicopter choppers over Bosnia Sniffed so much coke nose is fucked up and bled alot For all ya'll bystanders baggy ass jeans to hide ya banga wranglers Thugged the fuck out hang with bash in ya face gat gangsta's The governments these other kids it's like a drug abyss That sucked a hundred dicks its yo party the crowd great Plus the hooker lies great sniff another line to get ya mind straight Pull out the nine and start shooting people Money ain't the root of evil it be much more than that America taught me how to kidnap and torture cats
Chorus: repeat 2X Exit the stargate initial perception quickens my heart rate This dark place planet Earth orbits one star Come from afar far away state of mind Open up your 3rd eye Black Helicopters in the sky
[Goretex] I need G's so I can jet easier My crib tapped I suspect Ether Thats why I'm out of touch with the media Undercovers like Pete Seiger I couldnt tell neither Watchin the projects with a van of speakers Peepin how my kids rest bangin my wiz for hours Surveillance tapes us in the King's Plaza even got us after hours Drug party's golden showers on the floor shiksa Work for the FBI so anytime I might whisper My scary team be like barely clean rockin Israeli jeans Thats why I mostly heard and rarely seen Realization so much urgency Can't escape history's pen I be the worst of me (*echoes*)
Chorus 2X
[Sabac] This cop bring the city hoppa like a rocka with binoculars ???????rosters???????hostages Said that we were imposters and impetuous government agent From another nation and said we had the proper information About the aliens vegetarians devil scenarians These are civilized Barbarians we fuckin bury them Baraza said ya pussy blood clot got you shot I'm like fuck this I'm blowin up spots this shit is hot We know about the plan from the projects and contraband Drop bombs on Brazil so you can kill and conquer land You drug trafficking your new creation for disease To control the population and the states of overseas Put poison in the weed and the milk we feed our seeds You looked shocked that Sabac could know the plots to all of these Took his glock lift a shot when the bastard wasn't lookin Threw him out then the monster flew the chopper back to Brooklyn
Chorus 2X
Сообщение отредактировал Mail - Суббота, 31.12.2011, 15:36
побуду немножко цифрой. начнем с самого начала — 1997
Eminem - Low,Down,Dirty
Warning, this shit's gon be rated R, restricted You see this bullet hole in my neck? It's self inflicted Doctor slapped my momma, Bitch you got a sick kid Arrested, molested myself and got convicted Wearing visors, sunglasses and disguises Cause my split personality is having an identity crisis I'm Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jekyll, disrespectful Hearing voices in my head while these whispers echo Murder Murder Redrum Brain size of a bread crumb Which drug will I end up dead from Inebriated, till my stress is eleviated How in the fuck can Eminem and shady be related? Illiterate, illigitimate shit spitter Bitch getter, hid in the bush like Margot Kidder Jumped out (Ahhhh!) killed the bitch and did her Use to let the babysitter suck my dick when I was little'er Smoke a blunt while I'm titty fuckin Bette Midler Sniper, waiting on your roof like the Fiddler Y'all thought I was gonna rhyme with Riddler Didn't Ya? Bring your bitch I wanna see if this dick gon' fit in her
Chorus: Eminem + (Redman Sample) - 2X
(E) I'm low down and I'm shiftee! And if you hear a man that sounds like me smack him and ask him where the fuck did he get his damn raps from..
I lace tunes, I'm out this world like Space Moons With a bunch crazed loons dismissin brains like braze wounds Nothing but idiots and misfits, dipshits Doing whippits, passed out like Sanford snippits Where's the weed, I wanna tamper with it I'ma let your grandpa hit it Mix it up with cocaine so her can't forget it Fuck it, maybe I'm a bum But I was put on this earth to make your baby mama cum So what I'm on is way beyond the bomb or any alcoholic beverage Losing all of my leverage Went up inside the First National Bank broke, and left rich Walking bio-hazard causing wreckage Smoked out like Eckridge Band just making my neck itch What the fuck? Gimme the tech bitch You just lost your tip, there's a pubic hair in my breakfast Got shit popping off like bottle cap tips Get your cap peeled like the dead skin of your mama's chapped lips Slap hips, support domestic violence Beat your bitches ass while your kids stare in silence I'm just joking, is Dirty Dozen's really dust smoking? If all your shit's missing, than probably one of us broke in
My head's ringing, like it was Spider Sense tingling Lit it like Green Bay did when they shitted on New England I'm out the game, put the second string in This Brandy got my swinging Bobbing back and forth like a penguin Delinquent, toking microphones with Broken English Make your mama be like Ohh! This is good! Who sing this? Slim Shady, his tape is dope, I love it It's rugged, but he needs to quit talking all that drug shit. It was predicted by a medic I'd grow to be an addicted diabetic Living off liquid Triametic Pathetic, but I don't think this headache's ever vanishing Panicing, I think I might have just took too much Anasin Frozen Manaquin, posted stiffer than a statue I think I'm dying, God is that you? Somebody help me, before I OD on an LP Take me to ER ASAP for and IV Motherfuck JLB, they don't support no hip hop They say that's where it ends, the closest they gon come is Tupac It's politics, it's all a fix Setup by these white blue collared hicks Just to make a dollar off of black music With a subliminal ball of tricks But those can kiss ass and swallow dicks
Left the keys in the van, with a gat in each hand Went up in Eastland and shot a policeman Fuck a peace plan of citizen bystands But shit is in my hands, here's your life span For what your life's worth this money is twice than Grab a couple grand and live a nice land See I'm a nice man but money turned me to Satan I'm thirsty for this green so bad I'm dehydratin' Hurry up with the cash bitch, I got a ride waitin' Shot a man twice in the back when he tried escapin' I want the whole plot, I won't be denied nathan Maybe I need my head inside straightened Brain contemplatin', clean out the register Dip before somebody catches ya Or gets ya description an' sketches ya The connection was the prime suspect But I ain't set to flee the scene of the crime just yet Cuz I got a daughter to feed And $200 ain't enough to water the seed The best thing would be for me to leave Taco Bell an' hit up Chess King And have the lady at the desk bring Money from the safe in the back, stepped in wavin' the Mac Cooperate and we can operate and save an attack This bitch tried escapin' the jack Grabbed her by the throat, it's murder she wrote You barely heard a word as she choked It wasn't nuttin' for her to be smoked But I slammed her on her back 'til her vertebrae broke Just then the pigs bust inyellin' Freeze! But I'm already wanted for sellin' keys And bunch of other felonies from A to Z like spellin' bees So before I dropped to the ground and fell on knees I bust shots, they bust back Hit the square in the chest, he wasn't wearin' a vest
Left the house, pullin' out the drive backin' out Need a backin' out this lady's Jag started blackin' out Pulled the Mac-10 out, stuck it in her face Shut ya yackin' mouth before I blow the brain from out the back ya scalp Drug her by her hair, smacked her up Thinkin' fuck it, mug her while you're there, jacked her up Stole her car, made a profit Grabbed the tape from out the deck and offed it out the window Like the girl on Set It Off did Jetted off kid, stole the whip, now I'm a criminal Drove in thru somebody's yard, dove into they swimmin' pool Climbed out and collapsed on the patio I made it out alive but I'm injured badly though Parents screamin': Son, go in and call the police Tell 'em there's a crazy man disturbing all of the peace! Tried to stall him at least long enough to let me leap up Run in they crib and at least leave with some little cheap stuff Actin' like they never seen nobody hit a nick before Smashed the window, grabbed the Nintendo 64 When they sell out in stores the price triples I ran up the block jumpin' kids on tricycles And colliding with an 80-year old lady with groceries There goes the cheese, eggs, milk and Post Toasties Stood up and started to see stars Too many siren sounds, it seemed like a thousand police cars Barely escaped, must-a been some dumb luck Jumped up and climbed the back of a movin' dump truck But I think somebody seen me maybe Plus I lost the damn Nintendo and I must-a dropped the Beanie Baby Fuck it I give up, I'm surrounded in blue suits Came out with a white flag hollerin' TRUCE TRUCE! Surrendered my weapon to cops Wasn't me! It was the gangsta rap and the peppermint Schnopps
Добавлено (31.12.2011, 16:24) --------------------------------------------- 1999 As the World Turns
I hang with a bunch of hippies and wacky tobacco planters Who swallow lit roaches and light up like jack-o-lanterns Outsiders baby, and we suing the courts Cuz we're dope as fuck and only get a two in the source They never should've booted me out of reform school Deformed fool,takin a shit in a warm pool They threw me out the Ramada Inn I said it wasn't me, I got a twin (Oh my god its you! Not again!) It all started when my mother took my bike away Cuz I murdered my guinea pig and stuck him in the microwave After that, It was straight to the 40 ouncers Slappin teachers, and jackin off in front of my counselors Class clown freshman, dressed like Les Nessman Fuck the next lesson, I'll pass the test guessin And all the other kids said Eminem's a thizhead, He'll never last, the only class he'll pass is phys ed May be true, till I told this bitch in gym class That she was too fat to swim laps, she needed Slim Fast (Who Me?) Yeah bitch you so big you walked into big Tanny's and stepped on Jenny Craig She picked me up to snap me like a skinny twig Put me in the headlock, then I thought of my guinea pig I felt the evilness and started transformin (RARRRR!) It began storming, I heard a bunch of cheering fans swarming Grabbed that bitch by her hair Drug her across the ground And took her up to the highest diving board and tossed her down Sorry coach, its too late to tell me stop While I drop this bitch face down and watch her belly flop
[Chorus:] As the World Turns These are the days of our lives These are the things that we must go through Day by day
[Eminem:] We drive around in million dollar sports cars While little kids hide this tape from their parents like bad report cards Outsiders, and we suing the courts Cuz we dope as fuck and only get a 2 in The Source Hypercondriac, hanging out at the laundromat Where all the raunchy fat white trashy blondes be at Dressed like a sailor, standin by a pale of garbage Its almost dark and I'm still tryna nail a trailor park bitch I met a slut and said "What up, its nice to meet ya" I'd like to treat ya to a Faygo and a slice of pizza But I'm broke as fuck and I don't get paid till the first of next month But if you care to join me, I was bout to roll this next blunt But I aint got no weed, no phillies, or no papers Plus I'm a rapist and a repeated prison escapist So gimme all your money And don't try nothin funny Cuz you know your stinkin ass is too fat to try to outrun me I went to grab my gun Thats when her ass put it on me Wit an uppercut and hit me with a basket of laundry I fell through the glass doors Started causin a scene Then slid across the floor and flew right into a washin machine Jumped up with a broken back Thank god I was smokin crack all day And doped up off coke and smack All I wanted to do was rape the bitch and snatch her purse Now I wanna kill her But so I gotta catch her first Ran through Rally's parkin lot and took a shortcut Saw the house she ran up in And shot her fuckin porch up Kicked the door down to murder this divorced slut Looked around the room Thats when I seen the bedroom door shut I know you're in there bitch! I got my gun cocked! You might as well come out now She said "Come in, its unlocked!" I walked in and all I smelled was Liz Claiborne And seen her spread across the bed naked watchin gay porn She said "Come her big boy, lets get acquainted" I turned around to run, twisted my ankle and sprained it She came at me at full speed, nothin could stop her I shot her five times and every bullet bounced off her I started to beg "No, please let go" But she swallowed my fuckin leg whole like an egg roll With one leg left, now I'm hoppin around crippled I grabbed my pocket knife and sliced off her right nipple Just trying to buy me some time, then I remembered this magic trick Den Den Den Den Den Den, Go go catch a dick! Whipped that shit out, and aint no doubt about it It hit the ground and caused an earthquake and power outage I shouted "Now bitch, lets see who gets the best!" Stuffed that shit in crooked and fucked that fat slut to death
Эм гораздо раньше появился, кстати, когда я учился ещё в начальных где-то '94 уже на партах у нас было написано "Еминем - круто", это я точно помню Steppin Up Onto The Scene трек 89 года его с одноимённого ипи, текстов врядли можно найти, правда тогда он ещё не был Эминемом, а был M&M
Сообщение отредактировал Mail - Суббота, 31.12.2011, 16:40
These are the results of a thousand electric volts A neck with bolts, "Nurse we're losin him, check the pulse!" A kid who refused to respect adults Wore spectacles with taped frames and a freckled nose A corny lookin white boy, scrawny and always ornery Cause I was always sick of brawny bullies pickin on me And I might snap, one day just like that I decided to strike back and flatten every tire on the bike rack (Whosssssh) My first day in junior high, this kid said, "It's you and I, three o'clock sharp this afternoon you die" I looked at my watch it was one twenty "I already gave you my lunch money what more do you want from me?!?" He said, "Don't try to run from me, you'll just make it worse..." My palms were sweaty, and I started to shake at first Something told me, "Try to fake a stomach ache it works" I screamed, "Owww! My appendix feels like they could burst! Teacher, teacher, quick I need a naked nurse!" [N:] "What's the matter?" [E:] "I don't know, my leg, it hurts!" [N:] "Leg?!? I thought you said it was your tummy?!?" [E:] "Oh, I mean it is, but I also got a bum knee!" [N:] "Mr. Mathers, the fun and games are over. And just for that stunt, you're gonna get some extra homework." [E:] "But don't you wanna give me after school detention?" [N:] "Nah, that bully wants to beat your ass and I'ma let him."
[Chorus:] Brain damage, ever since the day I was born Drugs is what they used to say I was on They say I never knew which way I was goin But everywhere I go they keep playin my song
[Verse 2:] [Eminem:] Brain damage.. Way before my baby daughter Hailey I was harassed daily by this fat kid named D'Angelo Bailey An eighth grader who acted obnoxious, cause his father boxes so everyday he'd shove me in the lockers One day he came in the bathroom while I was pissin And had me in the position to beat me into submission He banged my head against the urinal til he broke my nose, Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat I tried to plead and tell him, "We shouldn't beef" But he just wouldn't leave, he kept chokin me and I couldn't breathe He looked at me and said, "You gonna die honkey!" The principal walked in (What's going on in here?) And started helpin him stomp me I made them think they beat me to death Holdin my breath for like five minutes before they finally left Then I got up and ran to the janitor's storage booth Kicked the door hinge loose and ripped out the four inch screws Grabbed some sharp objects, Brooms, and foreign tools "This is for every time you took my orange juice, or stole my seat in the lunchroom and drank my chocolate milk. Every time you tipped my tray and it dropped and spilt. I'm gettin you back bully! Now once and for good." I cocked the broomstick back and swung hard as I could and beat him over the head with it til I broke the wood Knocked him down, stood on his chest with one foot.. .. Made it home, later that same day Started reading a comic, and suddenly everything became gray I couldn't even see what I was tryin to read I went deaf, and my left ear started to bleed My mother started screamin, "What are you on, drugs?!? Look at you, you're gettin blood all over my rug!" (Sorry!) She beat me over the head with the remote control opened a hole, and my whole brain fell out of my skull I picked it up and screamed, "Look bitch, what have you done?!?" [M:] "Oh my God, I'm sorry son" [E:] "Shut up you cunt!" I said, "Fuck it!" Took it and stuck it back up in my head then I sewed it shut and put a couple of screws in my neck
Добавлено (31.12.2011, 16:41) --------------------------------------------- Mail, ну ясен же ж хуй,бротан просто текстов мы хуй найдем,а разбираться в первых записях на хуй-пойми-чо воще я не хочу,если честно да и то врядли даже половину пойму там и инфинит тоже был в 96,но я решил какбы с МЕЙНСТРИМА начать уж сразу
No tak budiž,budiž ty si prošla,další Tak pocem ty vopice jak se menuješ? Já sem Nikča Jo,jo,jo no tak sundej triko vole Hm,to sou vaky Dobrý vaky,ty vole.Tak sundej sukýnku,ukaž vykasej si to no Hm tak ukaž toho bubáka Hm,co to tam máš na tom podpičpantu vytetovaný vole? To je PSH ne? Seber se a táhni do prdele ty hajtro Ty krávo Hejtro vykurvená vole
DeSade: Sedíme v komisy pro přijetí fanynek Kontrolujem kozičky,pičky i objemy stehýnek Provádíme důkladný analýzy pusinek Vlasů,boků,očí,nožiček,prdýlek,kolínek Ranec podmínek,pro cizinky Slovenky Češky,musej mít míry jako missky Naducaný krásný pysky Děláme zápisky,kouřej nám propisky Se mi zapalujou trysky,těm nejhezčím naklepu prdele jak řízky Aby prošla testem,musí projít sexem Nevyhne se kouření ani análním neřestem HC sexu a bolestem,klepe to celym městem Vybíráme ranec buchet,co neví zač je toho loket Když si deš jenom pro fet,to je přes rozpočet škrt Neznamená dát ti puget,ale facku jako zmrd
Ref: Jako fanyka,musíš body řádu splnit Musíš se nám předvýst,musíš nás oslnit Berem jenom lolitky,z kozama jak míče Berem extra zboží žádný chlupatý píče
Řezník: Já sem Řezník M.Engele,inspektor prdele Roztáhnu ti půlky,mávnutím mojí hůlky Co to kurva je holky vy ste hrozný špíny Jak kdybyste na svý klíny,vyšívali čtyři plíny Jak šáhnutí do hlíny je vnik do tvojí svatyně Přiveďte mi další,hlavně už né žádný bachyně Další hipízačka,co smrdí jak kundí šlem Ta kráva spíš vypadá jak fanynka BPM Nemysli si ty píčo když jedeš hardcore styl Že musíš mít bordel na ksichtě a stodvacettři kyl To se mi nelíbí,to vymrdat jako týpý Jen kdyby ještě žila tak si fil jak narkofil Černobil zanechal na tvym těle strašný mutace Proto vod nás dostaneš akorát tak fakace Selekce fanynek,jo to je naše krédo A ty se vrať na vejmynek než tě sejme torpédo!
Ref(2x): Jako fanyka,musíš body řádu splnit Musíš se nám předvýst,musíš nás oslnit Berem jenom lolitky,z kozama jak míče Berem extra zboží žádný chlupatý píče
[Verse 1] I drew a 2 of hearts from a deck of cards A stock trick from my empty repertoire Another hopeless story never read at all I’m better off looking for the end Where the credits are It’s a pain living life against the grain I’m looking back and y’all look the same Troy, Mark, and little what’s his name Memory is rerunning it all It’s the flight of my fall and it’s right on the wall
[Hook] I remember Can you remember? How it was I do Remember, do you? [repeat]
[Verse 2] I used to ride the train to the same two stops And look at the graffiti on the rooftops Like the same song playing on the jukebox Joint called “Faded Polaroids In A Shoebox” Regardless to what the cadence is It can’t be forgotten like old acquaintances I realize how depressing of a place it is And when I notice my reflection whose face it is
[Hook] I remember Can you remember? How it was I do Remember, do you? [repeat]
[Musical break]
[Hook] I remember Can you remember? How it was I do Remember, do you? [repeat]
[Verse 3] It’s only human to express the way you really feel But that same humanity is my Achilles’ heel A leopard can’t change his spots and never will So I’m forever ill Now I can never chill What’s keeping me from breaking out like Benadryl When my baptism of fire resulted in a kill Sometimes it’s as cut and dry as a business deal You gotta cause the blood of a close friend to spill But you remember still
Mrdat ňáký intra je to jenom ztráta času Každej je přeskakuje tak mi volízej kus vocasu Stříkam masu,zazlívej mi co pasu Moje tracky nikdy nenaladíš na místním rozhlasu Chci ovládnout masu,všechny zotročit Proto sem se rozhodnul tohle album natočit Budu ti močit do ksichtu,votravovat život Točit další rychtu,chci tu votrávit ti tvoje pivo Ty vole já sem M.Engele,Řezník co tě umele Do libovýho prejtu za tvou dávku hejtu I tlustýho dědy,tu mrdáte fakta heavy Mažu kolem držky hovna a né žádný teplý medy Tahle deska je totiž inkubátor zlosti Vo proti minulosti už nemám žádný ctnosti Plivu kolem sebe jak starej zahořklej děděk Von ten Mengele asi dovopravdy byl můj předek Řezník is back ve vrcholný formě Nejtvrdší HC rapy tohle vážně neni v normě Hrabeš se v hovně,já vynalezl stoku Vzestup zla nejlepší deska roku
Co novýho zmrde? Jo je toho dost Co novýho zmrde? Přepadá mě zlost Co novýho zmrde? Zkurvil sem si hnátu Co novýho zmrde? Ukecal sem na rap tátu Co novýho zmrde? Fízlové dou po mě Co novýho zmrde? Už rejdili v mym domě Co novýho zmrde? Nenašli vůbec nic Co novýho zmrde? Sem nasranej čím dál víc
Sem nasranej vole,je to maximální extrém Moje nenávist je vrozená jak atopickej exem Timhle prduktem,touhle deskou bořim zákon Zločincem sem to si myslí ňáký pako Co podalo žalobu na mý rapy pude do hrobu Nezastavíš Řezníka neunikneš svýmu osudu Narvu tě do sudu,budu tě bodat do trupu Cejtíš ostudu,potupu až tvoje dítě udupu Jedno takový dupnutí mě upoutalo na vozejk MC Půlkyn ožil,už sem nebyl jenom krypl fake Mám tu jednu hymnu,z jeho kupy hymen Je to námrd Hímen,tvojí starý protrh Himmen Sem Em á Er Té a k tomu Ypsylon Jedu si to svý stejně jak studio Magion Všechny prachy vrážim zpátky do svojí tvorby Proto s náma na Sodomě rapoval i Gordy Nechci zlatej řetěz,chci vedle sebe Bizzara DeSade musel šetřit proto přestal hulit cigára Já sem pevně vodanej tomu všemu co pácham ZNK je pro mě jak imaginární brácha ZNK je pro mě jako druhá rodina Tenhle kult já uctívám jako Odina Hodina rapu se na tuhle desku vlezla Vyprsti si prdel tohle to je Vzestup zla
The Roots - The Other Side (Feat. Bilal & P.O.R.N)
[Verse 1: Black Thought] Yo, we obviously need to tone it down a bit Running round town spending time like it’s counterfeit Everybody catching hay fever like sinuses Step in my arena let me show y’all who the highness is You might say I could be doing something positive Humbled head down low and broke like promises Soaking and broken in a joke like comics is Not enough paper to be paying folks compliments But when that paper got low so did my tolerance And it ain’t no truth in a dare without the consequence Listen if it not for these hood inventions Id just be another kid from the block with no intentions On the dock of that bay serving a life sentence Even if I’m going to hell I’m gonna make an entrance Yeah let em know I’m getting cheese like omletes is But I’m the toast of the town like Thomas is
[Hook: Bilal] We’re all on a journey Down the hall of memories Don’t worry bout what you ain’t got Leave with a little bit of dignity Never loved what I had Always felt like I deserved more But when I Make it to the other side Make it to the other side That’s when we’ll settle up the score
[Verse 2: Black Thought] Yo , we did this in remembrance of Faces from the past We no longer have an image of Carrying cold blood hearts That never been for love Brothers keep going for theirs but never get enough World travelers that seen it all And did enough Only to return to learn The world wasn’t big enough Damn, how long has it been? I guess the jig is up Now all I know is I’m about to wake this nigga up Yeah that hindsight 20/20 now niggas dead on the money Trying to take something from me It’s a wrap like mummy Undone I am becoming and… When he’s tired of running Through the layers of the onion He’ll probably shed a tear Cause they’ll be no more fast times Just his weak mind scrolled out like a bad sign He never had enough and got confused when they asked why Life is only a moment in time and it passed by
[Verse 3: P.O.R.N.] I’m sitting on top of the world ready to jump off Thinking of various ways to break law Thinking that enough is enough but still I want more Thinking of how I’m playing with fire tht burned my young boy By any means necessary… don’t give a damn So every night I’m on a flight that never lands Be an asshole when the shit hits the fan Or bet your life on a bluff and a bad hand Can’t win/can’t lose Get ‘em gassed leave em leaking fuel Either way the market moves Cash rules kings, queens, prince and princess Every night I’m crossing a line that ain’t the finish Every thought is dark as a glass of fucking Guinness To far gone to come back to my senses Now I’m on the edge of my bed making love to my meds Every moments like a pistol to my head When I’m getting mine
M.Engele Já sem doktor Mengele,trhám dětem prdele mám nabroušený skalpely,nože,mačety,čepele jo ty vole,tohle to je Sodoma Gomora rap z mojí rapový dikce se ti zastavý tep střep nebo skalpel vobojí rozpáře prdel já sem Mengele doktor smrt,škrtič hrdel dej mi gel(tady máš),budu mrdat tvoje útroby já mučim děti,ženy na všechny možný způsoby a za každý doby kopu masový hroby Sodoma Gomora rap plnej nenávystný zloby moje hobby je ubít dítě,potom si připravim nitě přišiju k němu další,vrah sem jako prase v žitě v mym holobytě sou poházený těla je tu mrtvola Schumachera a taky Baricela moje a kapela morduje všechny možný beaty roztaví je jako žár tý největší intenzity i ty budeš popraven,máčim metly do hoven De Sade to má rád když tě s nima seká do kolen posolen bude tvůj rozbodanej žalud Sodoma Gomora rap jako smrt je tady na furt
Je to Sodoma Gomora M.Engele a Sade a tyhle dva zmrdi tě naučí péro sát Je to Sodoma Gomora Sade a M.Engele a těmle těm dvoum zmrdům vylížeš prdele. Je to Sodoma Gomora,Sodoma Gomora Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma, Sodoma Je to Sodoma Gomora,Sodoma Gomora Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora rap.
De Sade: Markýz De Sade chci tě vidět péro sát Markýz De Sade nešuká mladší nežli padesát Markýz De Sade už lezu k tobě do dvora Markýz De Sade Sodoma Gomora Sem narušená zrůda která tejrá lidi mlátim těhotný děvky a bůh mě nenávidí řežu jim malý kozy,protože se za ně stydí cizí život je mi cizí tak to vidim Sodoma Gomora jak Parkinsova ebola psychika je chorá a kundu má i mrtvola každá kvičí jako prase když jí beru ze zdola 120 dní Sodomy a 4 strčim do kola Mozek prožil degradační lapsus sem jak píčus píchám píču jak houkačkou seru trus seberu trus,sežeru trus,co set řek je to brutus když mám ruce v kýbli plnym menstruace orgasmus je potom lepší o sto procent mrdání nakončí zrovna přímo hepy endem Markýz De Sade chci tě vidět péro sát Markýz De Sade nešuká mladší nežli padesát Markýz De Sade už lezu k tobě do dvora Markýz De Sade Sodoma Gomora
Je to Sodoma Gomora M.Engele a Sade a tyhle dva zmrdi tě naučí péro sát Je to Sodoma Gomora Sade a M.Engele a těmle těm dvoum zmrdům vylížeš prdele. Je to Sodoma Gomora,Sodoma Gmora Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma, Sodoma Je to Sodoma Gomora,Sodoma Gomora Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora rap. Je to Sodoma Gomora M.Engele a Sade a tyhle dva zmrdi tě naučí péro sát Je to Sodoma Gomora Sade a M.Engele a těmle těm dvoum zmrdům vylížeš prdele. Je to Sodoma Gomora,Sodoma Gmora Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma,Sodoma, Sodoma Je to Sodoma Gomora,Sodoma Gomora Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora,Gomora rap.
I’ll break your bottom ribs, so you can suck your own dick Nailing your foreskin onto my clit. Put your dick up your own ass, and hear your anus rip Cut your balls off and put them in a blender, One slit where its tender and you’ve got a new gender And cocks still throbbing in your anus, Swimming with your shit. Look at me cutting off my silicon tits Im ejecting collagen in my pussy lips Foetus juice marinated freshly squeezed by my child baring hips A serpent In the orchid spraying pesticide I like your dick soaking from Aldehyde Getting ready for you pee hole probe Stick it up your chode Burning magnesium up the eye of your cock And Insert a tampon to make the blood clot Your corpse is a mannequin with your dick in the guillotine Now you’re my ken doll, wet dream, giving me Eskimo kisses on my clit Tear up my pleasure slit. Make my hymen rip watch the blood drip All the male species are obsolete so get on your knees and, Eat my rotten meat.